The Church of St Bartholomew is supported by the regular offerings of all parish members and by legacy gifts and bequests of past parishioners and donors. All donations are tax receiptable and the Parish of St Bartholomew is a CRA registered charity (number 10808 4658 RR 0020).

Charitable donations are well treated by the federal and provincial tax regulations. Essentially for any charitable donation over $250 annually you will receive back between 40-44% when you file your taxes. Giving $1000 will return at least $400 to you upon tax filing.

Ways to Give

At Sunday Service

Place your contribution in an envelope and put it on the collection plate. If you are new to us, please be sure to include your name and address if a tax receipt is required.

PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance)

Automatic monthly contributions directly from your bank account means regular contributions throughout the year. PAR is a convenient way to make church offerings a priority.  When you sign up for PAR, you guarantee your monthly offering to your church. Your account will be debited on or about the 20th of the month. PAR helps the church with a regular flow of contributions, a reduction of paper work and bookkeeping and a reduction in bank overdrafts, especially during the summer months.

For PAR authorization cards or to register for envelopes, please contact the Envelope Secretary at


Bank transfers via Interac


Simply set-up Church of St Bartholomew as a payee on your internet banking account. No password is required. The benefit of e-transfers is that the church pays no transaction fees.

If you are new to us: Please send an e-mail to with your mailing address and telephone number in order to receive a tax receipt.


CanadaHelps will issue your tax receipt.


To receive church envelopes, please contact the Envelope Secretary at Secretary

By Mail

St Bartholomew’s, 125 MacKay St. Ottawa, ON K1M 2B4

Drop Off

Place your donation in a sealed envelope and drop it in the hall door mail slot at 125 MacKay Street.

Donate Securities

Your gift of securities entitles you to a donation receipt for the full market value (resale) of your contribution. Your gift will result in a non-refundable tax credit that will reduce your income taxes.

Please fill out this form to inform us of your donation.