Our choir is open to everyone, whether they are experienced singers or beginners.  We believe that everyone can learn to sing, and that a welcoming church community is a great place to try it out.  We meet on Tuesday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.

Our choir sings an anthem every week at our 10:30am Sunday service.  We sing music from all time periods and try to keep a balance between familiar well-known repertoire and new repertoire.  As well as the anthem, we also sing hymns and congregational service music. 

On Sundays, we meet to warm up and rehearse at 9:30am. 

We sing every Sunday from September through June.  We also sing an Advent Carol Service, a Christmas Eve Service, services on Ash Wednesday and in Holy Week, as well as the occasional Evensong.

We are always looking for new members.  Don’t be shy.  If you are interested, please contact the office at 613-745-7834, extension 2.